Thursday, June 18, 2009

Chewing the Fat on Childhood Obesity.

ABC news coverage last night reported on worsening childhood obesity in Australia. Apparently one in five of our little'uns are either overweight or obese. The Gruen Transfer also had a feature in the past month suggesting a causal link between advertising and childhood obesity, suprisingly strongly denied by the Communications and Media Authority, debating the obligation and responsibility of the advertising industry.

There's no point in me discussing weight loss. I'll just end up coming off as an insensitive asshole. It's a simple formula. Weight loss= more energy used than calories consumed. End of story.

Heart disease. Stroke. Diabetes. Cancer. Gall bladder disease and gallstones. Osteoarthritis. Gout. Respiratory problems. Asthma. The real issue here is that the health of these kids is at risk.

Where do the children get their eating habits from? How do they access food? Who is primarily responsible for their care and wellbeing? To what degree can this responsible party be held culpable?

Ms. Roxon plans to the combat the problem. How? The government inquest suggested that “…early intervention in overweight children and adolescents appears justified, and highlighting the extent of the problem of overweight should not be dismissed as an attempt to exaggerate the level of weight problems in children and adolescents.” Is this a child protection issue?

I don't know. Maybe they should offset the deficit by imposing an 'Obese Children Tax'? 'Baby Bootcamps' in early learning centres?

It's sad and even a little depressing. Growing up I believed we were the greatest sporting nation in the world, privileged to lead to healthiest lifestyles on the planet. Instead it seems we're heading towards 'My Size Pumpkin Patch' and a series of 'Biggest Loser Primary'.

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