Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Who the F%#@ is Alice?

I've never needed an excuse to revisit the Lewis Carroll classics after the afternoons I spent in the garden of The Trout Free House in Wolvercote with the ducks and peacocks amidst the pages of Wonderland. But if I did then the production stills published by USA Today of Tim Burton's interpretation of Through the Looking Glass would have been quite adequate.

With just over eight months before the release, expected March 5 2010, the released stills suggest we have one hell of a ride down the rabbit hole to look forward to. The 'Burton-ization' of this classic will no doubt stir some criticism from the traditionalists who favour Sir John Tenniel's illustrations. The film, now in post-production after shooting was completed in December, marks the seventh time Burton has collaborated with Johnny Depp. If the promotional character stills released by Disney after anything to go by, Depp's portrayal of the Mad Hatter will challenge my interpretation of the eccentric tea-guzzler. However, it will allow me to hopefully extend my habitual, after one too many liptons of course, riddling of "why is a raven like a writing desk?" to a much larger audience.

Helena Bonham Carter's contribution as the Red Queen will also see completion of her fifth collaboration with Burton. Hopefully after the The Demon Barber of Fleet Street the media will able to focus less on the couple's domestic situation or more on the performance of this award winning actress.

The question 'who the F%#@ is Alice?' came to mind when I first heard the name Mia Wasikowska but the stills look great and I certainly won't be questioning Burton's casting. Not to mention that the 19-year-old was born and raised in Canberra. Having another A-list Aussie celebrity can only be a good thing right?

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